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Giant Magellan Telescope

Giant Magellan Telescope

Giant Magellan Telescope

January 13, 2025 Zoom Meeting Recording

Cindy Hetsko Rainey

Class of 1968


Dear Classmates,


On Monday January 13, Cindy Rainey led a class zoom on the Giant Magellan Telescope.  Cindy described this amazing telescope and its construction and progress to date.  She also reviewed the history of astronomy in Arizona, especially at the U of A, how she got involved there and how rewarding it’s been to meet the faculty, staff and especially the students. Learning about this gigantic project and our limitless universe that it will be exploring, changes my perspective. If you missed it or want to see it again, here is the link.  I recommend it.  Many thanks to Cindy.



Judy Harte

Class President