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1968 Class Notes Fall 2019 by Judy Harte

1968 Class Notes Fall 2019 by Judy Harte

Books, books, books.  I bet a lot of our class have written books. (Not I!) This quarter three top the list. 

Jane Wolf Frances’ book, Parenting Our Parents: Transforming this Challenge into a Journey of Love (POP), has been receiving major support recently and will soon be distributed by a distinguished publishing house.  POP is a movement and a call to action to educate, transform the way we think about and care for our aging loved ones and ourselves.  Kathy Knapp Eldon, another classmate, graciously invited POP to be part of her terrific foundation, Creative Visions.  This will allow POP to raise money as a non-profit and permit tax deductions for donors. However, those taking the standard deduction cannot, right?  Contribute from your IRA’s MRD instead to take advantage of a tax break.  Oh wait, don’t forget to consult your tax advisor.

This summer I learned the term “bear jam” on my trip to the Canadian Rockies. You will learn about that and more in Nancy-Ann Card Feren’s book Not Your Average Travelers: 40 Years of Adventures in All the US National Parks. It is available on Amazon. It is also featured on our class website with convenient links.  (See below.)


Ellen DuBois is publishing a major history of the women’s suffrage movement titled Suffrage, Women's Long Battle for the Vote.   It will appear in February 2020 in connection with the suffrage centennial.   There will even be an audio version.  Look in the class record book for other books by Ellen. Teaser: Gloria Steinem wrote an introduction. More Ellen news: she is getting married in September for the first time to a man who is also a first timer. Best wishes Ellen.  It's probably been a long time since our class notes have had a wedding announcement!

Speaking of our class website, the “Passions and Projects” page is now up. Remember the inspiring presentations from a number of our classmates at our 50th?  Lynn Chornyei Thurber, our president, reported in her newsletter this past June that Jane Plummer Fenn, our VP, is organizing submissions to the P&P page on the class website. Just go to, then click on “About” on the top banner and then “Passions and Projects” in the drop-down list.  You do not need any ID or password to access this page.  The first two articles are there.  Jane would love to hear from YOU.  Submit your contributions to  Also, the class notes are posted on the website well in advance of magazine publication. Other useful information will be added as received. We need your support. We envision this website as the tool to connect classmates between reunions.  Please help by sharing news, mini-reunions, articles and updates on your passion or project or any other information classmates may enjoy.

And please send me your news for the next edition of class notes; my due date is December 1, 2019.  Thanks, Judy