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Class Notes Summer 2019 by Judy Harte

Class Notes Summer 2019 by Judy Harte

I am sad to report that two of our classmates have passed away.

Jane Kelly Smith (Kelly S. Limber) of Scottsdale, Arizona died on December 4, 2018.  Condolences were sent but returned to sender. I have since interrogated the web for more information and will try again with another Arizona address. Memorial tributes from friends for the magazine would be welcome. An obituary of Jane appeared in the Arizona Republic on Dec. 9th. Here is the link:

On March 3rd, 2019, Dorothy Collins Weaver passed away.  Searching on her name will give you links to several obituaries—

inspiring, amazing, wonderful.  And she was a Wellesley Trustee too.  Again, condolences were sent and memorial tributes for the magazine would be welcome.

OK, Hollywood, Netflix, … I have a suggestion for your next mini-series: “Title IX: The Battle for Equal Education Rights” staring Holly Knox, Wellesley class of 1968 et al.

The Veteran Feminists of America have posted a wonderful interview with Holly titled “Collectively We Saved Title IX.”  Holly reports “this was part of a wonderful project of VFA to preserve, in oral history, some of the challenges and accomplishments of the women's movement of that day. It was a joy to be part of that movement!”  Even though Title IX, the law against sex discrimination in education, passed in 1972, Holly reports in her interview “it seems like almost every week, I see something in the news about some case of sexual harassment or sexual assault being brought under Title IX.”

Personally, I learned so much from Holly about Title IX and how our government works.  Her dialog is a truly engaging and fascinating chronicle of this incredibly important legislation and the accompanying regulation that has so positively affected every woman and girl in the country.  And this was all accomplished back in the pre-“electronically connected” world. Reading Holly’s interview (there is a transcript available) was like reading a high-quality, adventure book.

What an honor it is to be part of this amazing group of women, 1 9 6 8 Wellesley, Rah!

Don’t forget, we have a website for the latest:

Please send me news ( for the next issue—>my due date is September 1, 2019.  Thanks, Judy