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Jean Pierce Arrington's From Factories to Palace-CBJ Snyder Webinar September 21

Jean Pierce Arrington's From Factories to Palace-CBJ Snyder Webinar September 21





Invite You to our Zoom Webinar

“Transformative Architecture: Charles B.J. Snyder and NYC Public Schools”


An authoritative new study of C.B.J. Snyder by Jean Arrington.


G.S. 1. 1899. Corner of Oliver & Henry Streets. Photo: Bruce Monroe

An illustrated talk based on “From Factories to Palaces,” the
recently published book on Charles B.J. Snyder by the late Jean Arrington

Presented by Cynthia Skeffington LaValle, great-granddaughter of the architect, together with Michael Janoska

Wednesday, September 21, at 6:00 pm via Zoom, Register Below

Charles B.J. Snyder, Superintendent of NYC School Buildings from 1891-1922, was among the visionaries of the Progressive Era. He believed in schools as transformative civic monuments, providing a positive way forward for the countless children who arrived with massive waves of immigration. His grand school buildings were a dramatic contrast to the bleak living conditions these students often endured.

Called “a forgotten genius,” Snyder designed 408 schools and additions throughout New York City, with the highest concentration in Manhattan’s Lower East Side.

Our speakers will present an illustrated tour of Snyder’s schools, discussing their highly distinguished architectural elements as well as their educational innovations.

P.S. 90. 1907. W. 147th St./7th Ave., Manhattan


     Morris H.S. 1904. E. 166th St., Bronx


Cynthia Skeffington LaValle spent a career in the health care field, most recently in healthcare informatics. After meeting the author, Jean Arrington, and through her family tie to C.B.J. Snyder, LaValle assisted Jean during her project and later helped bring the book across the finish line.

Michael Janoska, a fellow Snyder enthusiast, has a background in surveying technology and construction, and was also a high school custodian. He, too, was part of the team assisting the author, who called him “the resident historian.”

Sponsored by Lower East Side Preservation Initiative and East Village Community Coalition.


The event is free, we at LESPI welcome donations to help us continue our free programming.

Contact Richard at or 347-827-1846 with any questions. Thank you.

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