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Winter 2020-2021 Class Notes by Judy Harte

Winter 2020-2021 Class Notes by Judy Harte

First, sad news: Lee Matthew passed away on March 9, 2020.  She was truly an amazing woman.  Read more about Lee in the In Memoriam News article on our website.

Our class president, Lynn Chornyei Thurber, in her letter asked about new activities brought about by the current state of affairs.  I got lots of input.

Lynn recommends the app Caribu for connecting via reading as she does with her four-year-old grandson, Logan. 

Susan Little Berry plays one of my favorite games, Pictionary, with family members ages 5 to 75 from California, Tennessee and Massachusetts on Zoom.  My spouse asked, “How does that work?”  I don’t know, but it sounds fun! 

Jane Plummer Fenn found Zoom ukulele lessons and is enjoying making music.  Nancy Orear Bixby recommended podcasts, “amazing wealth and variety of listening available.”

Nancy-Ann Card Feren and her husband have visited each of the 267 roadside historical Markers in New Hampshire plus hikes on less-popular trails. Her favorite marker “told about a family that settled in Bath in 1766 and whose 9 year old daughter carried dirt in her apron to the top of a rock formation, making the first garden in town. The local Historical Society still maintains a small garden there.”  Her favorite trail: to Monson Center.

Every morning since March, Cindy Hetsko Rainey emails about 100 people, including many classmates.  Most often they are humorous but can also be musical or whimsical or whatever. 100?! Cindy says “Laughter IS the best medicine!”

Lindsey Miller Lerman joined the Nebraska Supreme Court in 1998 as the first woman. She was just reelected (“retained” was her word) for another six years.  Congratulations.  They are conducting oral arguments virtually and broadcasted on PBS.

Jill Vickers reports “I’ve spent more time at home since the spring. My daily visit to my raised bed for greens got me outdoors, dressed and fed before the sun was high. It focused me on the things COVID hadn’t changed. Reluctant to give that up, I set up an indoor boutique garden for herbs and microgreens. Grow Microgreens on Your Counter has clear directions. Now my three plant boxes greet me each morning when I turn on the T-5 light and give the tiny cilantro, mustard and mesclun plants and thriving transplanted herbs a drink. This makes for a good start and end to each pandemic day.”

Here is a memory of college days from Britt Gordon Ascher: “October Memory from Freshman Year: A letter came from my best friend now at UC Berkeley, the school I debated most about attending. She had been arrested for protesting on the steps of Sproul Hall. I changed from jeans to a skirt for dinner in Tower Court. Before eating Mrs. Bradford, our House Mother, tapped on her water glass to make an announcement. ‘Perhaps you were allowed to eat chicken with your fingers home, but here at Wellesley we use a knife and a fork.’ It is a reminder of many roads taken, or not taken, to come.”    What a contrast!