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From the President...

  • Class Officers
From the President...

Dear 1970,

It was so great to see so many of you (138!) at our June 6 Zoom class conversation. If one good thing has come out of this wretched pandemic, it’s the discovery of this near effortless technology that supported a discussion attended by classmates from California to the French Alps. I know I speak for all your new class officers in saying that we hope the conversations can continue (more below).

Wellesley Fund donation deadline is coming up

June 30 is the end of the college fiscal year and the deadline for our 50th anniversary fund appeal. So far 60 percent of our class has donated. We need another 34 donors to reach our goal of 70 percent class participation this year (70 from ‘70, get it?).  If you haven’t given this year, please consider it – a gift of any size counts towards our goal. As President Johnson emphasized when she joined our class conversation, alumnae giving is a critical factor in college ratings. And Wellesley needs support more than ever to offset enormous losses related to the pandemic. You can easily give online. If you have questions, contact Anne Nelson Apgar ( 

Conversation followup 

If you missed the conversation, you can watch this video of it, complete with the chat sidebar.

A number of classmates have asked for links to resources mentioned during the discussion.

Here is the list of anti-racism resources for white people from Jennifer Bell. Alison Parker Kenway recommended Waking up White, by Debby Irving.

Veronica Gould Stoddart suggested these get-out-the-vote groups you can volunteer for: 

Vote ForwardField Team 6Fair FightPostcards to VotersPostcards to Swing StatesVoteRidersYou Can VoteWhen We All Vote

Do you want to keep talking?

We would love your thoughts on how to keep the conversation going. Would you be interested in small group discussions on designated topics? Do you have a topic you’d like to lead? How about a book club? Would you like help in organizing your own group of classmates? 

Please send your thoughts to me at or to our class email address,

Here’s to a fun and useful next five years!

Nancy Metcalf, class president