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Nini Lion Recognized by Fusion Art Gallery

Nini Lion, a sculptor working in the San Francisco area, was awarded Honorable Mention in the Fusion Art's annual Colorful Abstractions Internation Online Juried Art Exhibition for December, 2020. Her sculpture "Calyx V" made of ceramic clay received Honorable Mention in the 3-Dimensional category, and her abstract "Deliquescence XXVII" was also accepted in the judging.

First page of the PDF file: Surveygraphic

Thanks to Fay Harned Sinnot and her team for developing our 50-year survey and compiling the results. The responses make for interesting reading, so find some quiet time, download the document, and dive in!

Claire Parkinson a Finalist for Service to America Award - Vote NOW!

Claire Parkinson has been named as one of two finalists for the Career Achievement Award, "one of the highest possible honors for a federal public servant," according to the Washington Post. The award is part of the Service to America Medal, awarded by the nonpartisan Partnership for Public Service, and commonly considered to be the Oscars of government service.