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Virtual Reunion Lives!

  • About Reunion
Virtual Reunion Lives!

Though Reunion 2020 was Cancelled, Program Meetings and Materials are Available Virtually

While we weren't able to get together in person at Reunion to catch up, have fun, and share ideas, your Class of 1970 Reunion Committee is providing some of that experience virtually. Check out the Cocktails and Conversation Zoom event below, as well as interviews with eminent class members on their areas of expertise.

Thanks to all who attended our virtual reunion event that took place via Zoom from 5 to 7 pm Eastern time Saturday, June 6, right around the time we would have been starting our non-virtual cocktail hour.

We had planned to designate classmates with relevant expertise to introduce discussions about the effect of the pandemic on physical and emotional health, education, the environment, and the media, but changed the agenda the day before to better reflect the pressing issues of the day. The result was a lively meeting of about 130 classmates!

The entire event was recorded and here is the link to watch it -- complete with chat! Here is the Meeting Recording:

Separately, Reunion Committee members interviewed classmates who have excelled in their fields, to get their thoughts on life today from the perspectives of their respective areas of expertise. 

Interview with Henrietta Holsman Fore, Executive Director, UNICEF

Interview with Geneva Overholser, Journalist and Educator

Interview with Claire Parkinson, Senior Scientist and Climatologist, NASA

In case you have not received notification from the Alumnae Association regarding the difficult decision not to hold Reunion this spring, their letter is reproduced here, or check the web page announcement. Both provide further information regarding refunding all registration fees.