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Class of 1971 Speaker Series

Class of 1971 Speaker Series

Ancestor Questing for Fun and Profit
ancestor Sarah Kisner portrait - from 1971 Speaker event
Lesley K. Cafarelli ’71 (moderator), Professional Genealogist, Diaspora Genealogy Research; Anne Hayden ’71; and Brenda C. O’Brien ’80.
May 3, 2022, 2:00 PM Eastern / 11:00 a.m. PDT

Do you like musing over mysteries? Contemplating connections between history and family history? Will you hunt for your family and (maybe) yourself in the 1950 Census after it’s released April 1? Whether you’ve been “doing genealogy” for months, years, or decades or are simply curious, you’ll gain new insights from this discussion. Designed as a story-sharing conversation among Wellesley alums with different experiences, the first part of the session will illustrate how family mysteries shape research questions, good detective work reveals answers, family treasures offer opportunities, and community engagement provides everything from expert help to cousins with unfamiliar photos, venues to preserve and share artifacts, and ways to commemorate historical events and the people behind them. The panelists will also explain the personal benefits they gain from involvement. In the second part of the session, participants will share their experiences or questions and will leave the session with a list of Lesley’s favorite free and inexpensive ways to learn more.

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