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Class of 1971 Speaker Series

Class of 1971 Speaker Series

Combining Elements of Japanese Tea Ceremony with Meditative Dialogue Practice,

Kathleen Fink '71, February 28, 2022, 7:00 PM Eastern

from Katie Cheney Creighton and Susanna Stevens Hamme:

Thanks so much to Kathleen Fink for her great talk on Japanese Tea Ceremony and Insight Dialogue on Feb 28, and to all who attended with interest and great questions. And special thanks to Belinda Tepper for zoom hosting and coordination. Here are Kathleen's resources for further exploration. Please get in touch with Kathleen if you are interested in learning more about the Tea and Dialogue practice she is working on. 

Kathleen Fink
Screenshot of Zoom audience for Class of 1971 Speaker Series
Tea Ceremony:
    (Note: Eric Lane who owns Tea Dogu has offered online Japanese tea ceremony lessons)
    Every Day a Good Day; Fifteen Lessons I Learned about Happiness from Japanese tea Culture by Noriko Morishita (the joys and challenges of being a student of the art told with humor)
     The One Taste of Truth; Zen and the Art of Drinking Tea by William Scott Wilson (calligraphy images & commentary on tea scroll sayings)
Insight Dialogue
Website with event listing:
Book: Insight Dialogue; The Interpersonal Path to Freedom by Gregory Kramer.