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50th Reunion is 4-6 June 2021

1971 Reunion News!



Hello Class of ‘71

Your class officers and reunion co-chairs are revving up to create the first ever
preplanned Wellesley 50th Virtual Reunion. Here is a preview of what is on the
calendar for the months ahead and including June 4-6.

We know many of you have participated already in the dorm Zooms; these will be ongoing as long as there is an interest, and we hope you will join again or for the first time. They are very informal, and all are welcome. Jump in anytime! If you haven’t been receiving email notices, check the class website where info is posted. It includes a Zoom link.


We know that there is a wide range in how comfortable people are with
communicating by Zoom. We don’t want anyone to miss out. We have set up
opportunities for one on one or small group tutorials to bring everyone into the fold. Our class officer Belinda Wilkins Tepper, who is a tech whiz, has scheduled the following tutorials. Reach out to her at 323-334-0773 or to join one of these or for a session at another time.


And speaking of electronics, if you are receiving this letter via email, you are in the WCAA system, but please be sure to check your contact information and update it if there are any changes:


  • Visit and scroll midway down the page to select the yellow button that reads "Update Your Profile."
  • You will need to log in with your MyWellesley username and password.
  • If you don't know your login information, you can reset it here.
  • For additional help, contact or call 781-283-7777. 

Even if this were going to be an on-campus reunion, the college would be
communicating with you electronically. Times have changed, and snail mail is being phased out.


Start gathering your thoughts. The record book will be the only way we can share with the whole class. We hope all of you will participate. The book will be available as a digital file. You will be able to access an online service to print your copy. And, to celebrate our 50th , this year there is no fee for the record book.


You will receive a separate communication outlining the “how” of this process,
which will be a bit different from past years. Since we are now about four months away from the “reunion” date, please take some time to think about your statement (max 700 words), along with an image. Mark your calendar with March 15 deadline for submitting text and image. 
A few questions that may help to guide you:

  • Has W's non ministrari sed ministrare played out
    in your life after W? How?
  • What would you have done differently, knowing what you do now?
  • What risks have you taken/mistakes have you made that paid off?


Our own class survey is the brainchild of classmates Andrea Levitt and Lisa Hill Fenning. Andrea is using her academic connections to Wellesley to create the survey. You will be hearing from her about the details. We hope everyone will complete this survey so that the data will be meaningful to us. Note, this is separate from the Wellesley College survey sent out recently.


Stay tuned for invitations to join.
1. Professor Fisher, Chair of American Studies will give a talk on John Singer
Sargent and Belle Epoque Women's Culture. Sunday April 11, 3-4:30 pm
2. METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART Virtual tour by our own docent, Pat
Shevlin – date TBD

There will be events on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Some of these are all-college events – the annual meeting of the WCAA and the SIG meetings. But most are specific for our class.


Junior Show and Step Singing Fest
Mixology Event
Dance Party
Survey Discussion
Memorial Service and Class Meeting
And a few surprises

The WCAA will be sending out a Registration Form for you to complete and return electronically. We, of course, want a huge turnout. And we hope that you will take the few minutes necessary to register so that we can count noses for our events. It will help us to plan and to make sure we have adequate electronic access.


Most of the items on the Registration Form are sign-ups to show interest and for us and the college to tally participation. But there are a few things that have a small financial commitment.

THE MIXOLOGY EVENT is $20. In her presentation, our mixologist will explain the science of how our palates distinguish taste. She will also teach us how to make a “no proof” version of each cocktail so that everyone can enjoy the experience equally. By signing up, you and a friend or partner can log in to the 90-minute presentation. More info will be sent prior to the event.


We will miss our alumnae parade, but we still want to mark our milestone
reunion. We are offering a two-fer insignia this year- a tea towel and a cap. The cost for both is $22. Shipping is included. By purchasing this year’s insignia, you will have something useful for the kitchen and something fun to wear in the sun.

We will have a limited amount of time during Reunion weekend, but we can have conversations now and after June. One of the pluses about this year being virtual is that we do not have to wait until reunion weekend to get together either for a large group event or a small interest group chat or a show and tell.

We are still intent on a class party once the COVID coast is clear. In the meantime, we are focusing on staying connected when so many of us have been isolated from family, friends, and the usual sources of mirth and enrichment that make life fulfilling. We have reached an amazing milestone: FIFTY YEARS have whizzed by since that sunny June day in 1971!!! We have made countless decisions, chosen a variety of paths, hurdled obstacles, nurtured many people and dreams. No matter which road we went down, we can honor ourselves and one another for the remarkable and resilient group that we are. Staying in touch becomes increasingly important as we go forward from here through our 70’s. We want to share our accomplishments and activities, even mistakes we have made that might inform classmates as they make choices in the future.

We can set up small Zoom chats to accommodate different interests and activities. Is there a topic you want to learn about? Do you have an interest you would like to share? Have you been doing something this year that is new; or are you delving more deeply into an old interest? Many of us are assuming caregiver roles within our families, and others could benefit from hearing about your experience. No topic is too mundane or too lofty. If you want to moderate a session, please raise your hand! If you are looking for like minds to have a chat, let us know.

We are excited to make this happen, but we can’t do it without you!
Your Reunion Co-Chairs
Amy Levin Halket
Mariel Harris

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Wellesley College Alumnae Association

106 Central Street
Green Hall Room 246
Wellesley, MA 02481

