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From the Presidents

From the Presidents

Dear Classmates,

Best wishes on your 70th Birthday - whether you have celebrated already or are expecting this milestone soon.  Your class officers cheer you on!!  We are so disappointed that we could not be together in Washington D.C. for our mini-reunion.  We had an excellent response for this event, so we know many of you were really looking forward to celebrating with college friends.

During this time of COVID 19, we hope you, your family, and friends are doing well.  We are all facing a time of uncertainty and concern, hoping that life will be improving soon…. 

We will see what the fall brings and hopefully we can plan another class event. 

Wellesley has had to shift its method of delivering education in these uncertain times, upending the lives of student, faculty and staff. A gift to Wellesley this fiscal year, ending June 30, 2020, is greatly appreciated. If you have given, many thanks. If you can give a new or increased gift please consider doing so.

Our 50th reunion is just 2 years away. One lesson of the current health/economic crisis is that our Wellesley connections are important to our well-being. Many of us have been reaching out to reconnect with old friends while we have been sheltering at home. 

All our best wishes,


Marcia Armstrong (

Beverly Siegal (