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Zoom Birthday Party MiniReunion

Zoom Birthday Party MiniReunion

Surprise Zoom Birthday Celebration/Mini-Reunion. Beverly Siegal turned 70 on May 30th. Sadly, the traditional garden party celebration was cancelled in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.  She was bemoaning that she wouldn't be able to mark the decade birthday in style. However, Beverly's family organized a surprise Zoom celebration for some 75 people -- about 18 Wellesley classmates were there in festive hats, reunion insignia and birthday signs! We had a chance to visit in a special Wellesley chatroom!! Beverly commented:  My Birthday Celebration was memorable -- surprising, amazing, and somewhat chaotic.  It will always be a wonderful high point during this challenging time.  I can’t thank all of you enough for making this possible.  As more and more faces popped up on the screen, I was dumbfounded. Moments like these only reinforce the value of families and friends in our lives.  It was a thrill to see and think about all the different connections.   My biggest frustration was wanting to check in and catch up with everyone.  So the task ahead will be to do that.  I was bemoaning that my 70th Birthday would be a dud.  But little did I know how incredibly special it would be!