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Class Notes Winter 2024

Class Notes Winter 2024

Pictured above:  Alumnae from the Houston area gathered at the home of Debra Williams Anderson ’73 in Pearland, Texas, on Nov. 4, 2023, for the Wellesley Club of Houston Howdy. Pictured are: (front) Maneesha Patil ’78, Debra Williams Anderson ’73, Medina Barnes ’01, Carla Sapsford-Newman ’95, Rachel Hopper Tucker ’78, Lisa Heyden ’98, Lydia Luz ’82 , Elizabeth Rowe Wilder ’80; (back) Sanam Anwar ’15, Emily Goldberg Steiner ’59, Jessica Koh Lewis ’67, Rebecca Hansen ’72, Constance “Connie” Maier Bitto ’73, Marian Bonner ’83, Sandy Hellums-Gomez ’95, and Jacqueline Kacen ’83.

From Mary Smith Podles, Class Secretary

So sorry to hear of the death of Margaret Stiehler Bacon on Oct. 21, 2023. Sincerest condolences to her family and many friends.

Better news: Congratulations to Senior Judge Vanessa Ruiz upon receipt of one of the 2023 Alumnae Achievement Awards for her groundbreaking legal and service work.

Class presidents Amy Sabrin and Iris Yang report that the mini-reunion in Washington, D.C., was a tremendous success! We had more than 40 participants who came from all over the country.

It was inspiring to re-reconnect with so many over cocktails, delicious group dinners, tours of the National Museum of African American History and Culture and the Smithsonian American Art Museum, and the amusing play POTUS. Another highlight was the tour of Sen. Dick Durbin’s Capitol office, followed by an overall tour of the Capitol. Our guide had specifically asked that she lead the “Wellesley group”—she had a master’s in women’s studies and told wonderful stories about what we were viewing. Huge thanks to Ann Nunez and Molly Baskin, who made all the arrangements and kept their cool when last-minute changes came up, and to Rebecca Gould, our webmistress extraordinaire, who ensured smooth communications. Stay tuned for possible future mini-reunions—including possible trips to Santa Fe, N.M., and Portugal.

Liana De Girolami Cheney has added a book, Barbara Longhi of Ravenna: Art, Grace and Piety, and several scholarly articles to her already impressive list of publications. Another art historian, Mary “Maidie” Smith Podles—OK, that’s me—was interviewed for National Review’s podcast, The Bookmonger, about her book A Thousand Words: Reflections on Art and Christianity.

Joan Lovell reports, “I went on the Wellesley-sponsored cruise from Amsterdam to Lisbon [Portugal] last August. It was a pleasure meeting Wellesley grads from many different classes. I enjoyed the lectures of Professor Claire Fontijn about early music and art. She is a gifted lecturer and pleasant company. Although I was traveling on my own, I appreciated the company of other Wellesley women who made this cruise a special experience.”

And from Elaine Shiang, another kind of travel experience: Elaine wrote in after returning from an RV trip to five Southern cities with her daughters, Margaret and Irene Li, who were on tour for their cookbook Perfectly Good Food. “What a blast to be in close quarters for 10 days, talking about zero food waste. I am now known as the OG, the ‘original gangster.’ At least, that’s what my daughters have named me in their cookbook dedication. Life as a septuagenarian is quite fun.”

Isn’t it, though!