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RMD - Another Way to Give

RMD - Another Way to Give

Writing a check is wonderful, but it's not the only way to help us meet our 50th Reunion fundraising goals - 50 Durants and a 72% participation rate.  As of April 1st, we have 41 Durants, a 62.2% participation rate and a $4,238,406 5-year Reunion Gift.  

Betsy Bassett, our class's long-time Planned Giving Chair, has shared her experiences with a number us, from charitable annuities with the College, a documented bequest, and the use of her husband's RMD in recent years for annual giving.

One of the ways to save taxes and benefit the college is to designate part of your retirement account Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) to Wellesley. If you’ve reached (or will reach) age 72 this year, you may have already heard about this from whoever manages your tax-sheltered accounts. Nan used the RMD edge to make a larger-than-normal gift for our 50th. See  

Another excellent way to benefit Wellesley is to include it in your estate plans and to document this non-binding intention. Beth recently sent in her bequest intention form. If you do this by the end of June, it will count towards our 50th reunion 5-year total gift. See  

 Please reach out to her if she can be helpful:  

Following is a link to more information about giving to Wellesley: