Welcome to our class home!
We may no longer get to see one another or the iconic scenery of the Wellesley campus every day, but we can stay connected right here.
Learn what our class is up to and how we are staying in touch.
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Featured Event
On Sunday, January 26, seventeen classmates met on zoom to share their latest reading and discuss Robin Wall Kimmerer’s book The Serviceberry. In our 75 minutes we shared passions for literature and the environment, after hearty introductions helped us get reacquainted. Here is a list of what these classmates are reading, and several suggestions that arose from our Serviceberry conversation.
Our next book discussion will introduce modern day playwright Melina Greene and her Elizabethan ancestor Emilia Bassano in a conversation that could pit the Shakespeare lovers against those who think he had lots of help with what he "wrote" and appeal to the folks who know that women still don't get a fair shake in the world of playwriting: Jodi Picoult's By Any Other Name. We will meet on Sunday, March 16 from 3-4:15 EDT. Look for an invitation in the next few weeks.
Our intent is to alternate fiction and non-fiction books, so in June we hope to have discussions with two of our classmate-authors, Kay Drew (Stress Test) and Melissa Ludtke (Locker Room Talk: A Woman’s Struggle to Get Inside).
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Click for the Fall 2024 Newsletter.
Write to Class Secretary Debra Redman Lavin with your news – work, retirement, grandchildren, travel, and more – to: 1973notes@alum.wellesley.edu.
Debbie is glad to accept entries at any time to go into the following issue. We look forward to hearing from you!
Read the most recent 1973 Class Notes. You can now see an archive of class notes from the past several years.
Click for the Summer 2024 Newsletter.