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From the Class President

From the Class President

Dear Members of the Class of 1973,

Greetings to each of you from your new class officers: President - Yvonne Mims Evans, Vice-President - Polly Keller Vanasse, Secretary/Treasurer - Debra Redman Lavin, Class representative - Margaret Yonco-Haines, and Communication Chair - Anne Swingle Borg.

We are all excited to begin our tenure as your class officers. We express our thanks to our previous officers who served from 2018-2023 and to the reunion chairpersons who were responsible for a fabulous 50th reunion. If you were not there, or if you were and want a reminder, please take some time to look at the Reunion video on the link below.


The Record Book is also available at ( Look to see what classmates have done and continue to do.

You will be gratified to learn that our class raised $8.8 million for our 50th reunion and we had 97% participation in giving. Outstanding!

Classmates, going forward we want to stay in touch with you and have you stay in touch with the rest of the class. Send information to Debbie Lavin for publication in the Class Notes. Her first deadline is September 1, 2023.

As we approach our 73rd birthdays, we want to celebrate. ’73 Turns 73 will be our tagline. Consider reaching out to classmates and sharing birthday celebrations and experiences. Let Debbie know what you do so that she may publish in Class Notes.

Finally, we will continue with mini reunions, both virtually by dormitory and live. We need volunteers to host. If you are willing  to host a mini reunion, please contact Polly Keller Vanasse by email at before September 15, 2023. 

I look forward to communicating with you again soon.


Yvonne Mims Evans

Contact Class of 1973 officers at