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Fall is a Great Time for Mini-Reunions!
Anne Borg

We are looking forward to continuing with mini reunions, both in-person and virtually by dormitory. There have been several small in-person minis, and both Pomeroy and Claflin have held virtual mini-reunions. Minis are fun! But, we need volunteers to host.

For virtual minis, the class now has its own Zoom account, and we will send out the email to your dorm mates. Polly will walk you through the easy process and give you advice.

If you are willing to host a mini reunion, please contact Class Vice President Polly Keller Vanasse by email at

We are looking forward to continuing with mini reunions, both in-person and virtually by dormitory. There have been several small in-person minis, and both Pomeroy and Claflin have held virtual mini-reunions.

Minis are fun! But, we need volunteers to host.

For virtual minis, the class now has its own Zoom account, and we will send out the email to your dorm mates. Polly will walk you through the easy process and give you advice.

If you are willing to host a mini reunion, please contact Class Vice President Polly Keller Vanasse by email at