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'74 Class Cleanse (Burning Bowl Ceremony)

'74 Class Cleanse (Burning Bowl Ceremony)

Start 2021 afresh with the ’74 Class Cleanse – a burning bowl ceremony!

With the exception of occasional glimmers of joy and hope – the birth of new family members, for instance – 2020 is a year we may want to banish from our memories.

The burning bowl is a visual way to let go of all the “stuff” that is not working for you. This could be anything from a behavior or habit you’d like to stop to anger or old grudges you’re carrying – basically, any negativity that’s affecting your life in a way that’s keeping you from being who you want to be. You will literally watch anything that’s holding you back burn up in flames in what can be an amazingly cathartic and empowering experience.

We will gather together before breaking into separate rooms where facilitators will ensure that everyone has the opportunity to introduce themselves and where they’re from, and then share one to two things they’d like to release.

Then we’ll reunite to watch these unwanted memories or conditions go up in smoke, and then break out once more to contemplate what we want to see happen in 2021. Finally, the whole group will share a toast to welcome in the New Year.

Date: Saturday, January 2, 2021 (or 1.2.21)

Time: 8 pm Eastern, 7 pm Central, 6 pm Mountain, 5 pm Pacific

Registration Deadline: 5 pm Eastern, Wednesday, December 30, 2020

What to Bring:
Large bowl (metal or glass) covered with several layers of heavy foil to protect it
Candle (3 inches wide and 3-6 inches tall suggested)
Matches or lighter
Pens or pencils
Paper strips for the cleanse and a pad of paper
Pitcher of water (just in case)
Sand in the bowl (to hold the candle in place)

You can find more information on the burning bowl ceremony here.

If you have any question, please contact Rhonda Wrenn.


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