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New Brunswick, Canada, Mini-Reunion July 16-20, 2020 - POSTPONED!!!

New Brunswick, Canada, Mini-Reunion July 16-20, 2020 - POSTPONED!!!

Explore St. Andrews by the Sea and the Bay of Fundy with Host Donna Smythe

Hello all,

With regret, I am postponing the St. Andrews, New Brunswick Mini-Reunion, scheduled for July 2020. The health and safety of our classmates, and the small Canadian town that I love so much, are paramount. I adore St. Andrews, and looked forward to introducing new friends to the wonders and beauty of the Fundy Coast, but this will not be the year. Covid-19 has disrupted much and this Mini-Reunion is the least of it, but I am still disappointed.

I fully intend to invite you to join me in St. Andrews for a long weekend in July 2021. Keep your fingers crossed that the pandemic is quelled and that our ability to travel and enjoy one another’s company is restored.

In the meantime, Zoom is the new front parlor, the new party room, the new fire pit, the new hangout. I’ll see you there!
