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Record Book

Class of 1974 Record Book Order Form


The Class of 1974 50th Reunion Record Book is on sale now! Our full-color Record Book will contain biographical narratives and photos submitted by classmates, and current contact information as well as a special section of college days pictures that take us down memory lane. When thinking of classmates, what have you missed? Haven’t kept up with your freshman roommate? Never got to know anyone from the music department? Curious whether the astronomy major across the hall ever discovered a planet? Read it all in the Record Book. Whether read for pleasure or used as a directory, the Record Book is sure to provide hours of enjoyable reading.

PRINT and DIGITAL versions are available.

Print Record Books are $50 each in honor of our 50th Reunion (and the digital version is included at no additional cost)

Digital Record Books are 1/2-priced at just $25.

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