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50th Reunion Committee, May 24-26, 2024

Reunion Co-Chairs: Krista Fogleman and Donna Smythe
Reunion Treasurer: Doreen Franke
Access: Doreen Franke
Class Finding: Ginny Siggia, Winifred Powell and Margaret Ost
Communications: Winifred Powell and Heather Hamilton
Friday Night: Francine Carl, Eleanor McGourty, and Linda Cook
Insignia: Laurie Shahon
Logistics: Sheila Burns
Memorial: Louise Treitman, Penny Greer, Anne Morawski, Jeannine Otis
Nominating Chair: Ellen Cooper
Outreach: Mary Lou Savage and Kirsten Levy (co-chairs), Andrea Falzone, Tina Georgeou, Ellen Stifler, Jo-An DeSanctis, Wendy Frost, Louise Treitman, Brenda Nibert, Margaret Ost, Ginny Siggia
Parade: Penny Greer (marshal), Joy Smith and Stephanie Bruno (co-marshals)
Program – Savor the Moment: Jeannine Otis and Judy Swahnberg
Program – She Said/She Said: Unpacking the Class Survey: Donna Smythe and Joy Smith
Record Book: Rhonda Wrenn (chair) and Debra DeVaughn (co-chair)
Residence Hall: Suzanne Fong, Judy Monteux, Lola Chaisson, Brenda Nibert, Margie Nubbemeyer-Berle, Paula Trzepacz
Saturday Night Class Dinner: Chris Santos and Debra Weiner
Saturday Night Entertainment: Leah Creque-Harris and Carla LaGrassa
Social Committee: Deborah Bedell (chair), Dennie Tinguely, and Charlotte Hanna