Want to get involved with our class?
Host a Mini Reunion – (soon, we hope!) have some classmates over for a glass of wine; go to lunch; go to an art gallery or museum; walk around Lake Waban or in the park; you can even Skype a mini! Or get more ambitious and plan a destination mini-reunion for your friends or classmates from your dorm, your major or your favorite extracurricular activity. Contact Dianne at dgorenradtke@sbcglobal.net.
Pay your dues or become a Class Life Member (CLM) – If you are a CLM, thank you! If not, help our Class participate in the investment returns of the Wellesley College Endowment by making your one-time payment of $250. Happily 272 of us are CLMs. Check this list of Current Life Members as of 6/18 to see if you are already a CLM. Or pay the annual dues to the Class of $75. Contact Dede at dtrefts@yahoo.com.
Send news for Class Notes in the Wellesley Magazine – send updates on your life transitions. You like to read your classmates’ news. Don’t forget your classmates like to read yours. Contact Kathy at kcollett@wellesley.edu.
Assist our Wellesley Fund Representative – join the committee of Wellesley Fund Volunteers and help boost 1975’s Reunion Gift. Contact Gay at gaysy700@gmail.com.
Forward Class Website contributions - enliven the 1975 Website with your news and photos. Contact Becky at ratwood@wellesley.edu.