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A Message from Dede Trefts, Class Treasurer:

Our Class Treasury, which funds Class of 1975 operating expenses primarily associated with our reunions, is supported by:

  • dividends from our Class’s investment in the College’s endowment of funds paid as one-time dues by those who choose to become a Class Lifetime Member (CLM);

  • annual class dues; and

  • any additional donations from generous classmates.

Our Class is in a strong financial position thanks to the 272 classmates who as of the fiscal year ending 6/30/18 are CLMs.  If you are already a CLM, thank you!  If you are not sure of your status, check this list of Current Life Members. If you are not a CLM, you can help our Class reach the College’s benchmark for CLM participation of 75% by becoming one.  The one-time dues to become a CLM are $250.  If you prefer not to become a CLM now, please pay your annual dues of $75.  And, whatever your status, consider making a donation to support the Class.

You may pay CLM or annual dues by using one of the links below.  Or you may send a check to me at the address below.  Please make your check out to “Wellesley Class of 1975” and on the notation line indicate if for CLM dues, annual dues or additional donation.

Ms. Dorothy E.Trefts

One West Superior Street, #3001

Chicago, IL  60654