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About Reunion

About Reunion

Greetings, 1976 Wellesley Classmates!

As you know, there will be no in-person reunion this year. Therefore, your reunion committee has fashioned a virtual program that will provide exciting opportunities to reconnect, learn, laugh, reflect, and, yes, even dance!  Mark your calendars for June 4-6, 2021 and get ready for a reunion like no other!

You should have received an email from the College inviting you to register for our 45th reunion. This page will give you even more details about our reunion plans, our class insignia and how to participate. June 4-6 will be a special online event you won’t want to miss!

First, some dry but necessary details! Registration will be exclusively online this year. There is no registration fee but some of the individual activities will involve a modest charge that will be collected through the online registration form on the class web page. You will receive individual, confidential invitations via email for each of the events that you register for. Most events will use the Zoom platform.

Here’s a short description of the activities we’ve planned. For more details, see the full scheduleAll times listed below are Eastern Time.

Friday, June 4

  • Friday afternoon at 3 p.m., we will be treated to classmate Barbara Drake Boehm’s talk on an exhibit she curated for the Metropolitan Museum of Art - “The Hours of Jeanne d’Evreux, Queen of France.”
  • At 7 p.m., Naomi Levy, voted Boston’s Best Bartender in 2019, will teach a mixology class. We’ll learn to prepare three drinks, including a red one created especially for our class and at least one that can be made with or without alcohol. Recipes will be provided in advance.
  • The night will end with the chance to catch up with classmates in Zoom breakout rooms at 8 p.m.; rooms will be set up by dorms.


Saturday, June 5

  • The WCAA annual meeting is at 11 a.m. 
  • At 3 p.m., classmate Camara Phyllis Jones, MD, MPH, PhD, will give a talk entitled “Four Allegories: Tools for Naming Racism and Moving to Action.” 
  • Saturday evening at 8:30 p.m. we hope you will attend the “Wellesley ’76 Night Club,” where comedian Wendy Liebman (Wellesley ’83) will perform exclusively for us.  Her performance will be followed by a 1976 dance party, with a live band playing songs from the 60s, 70s and 80s. 


Sunday, June 6

  • Our class meeting starts at 11:00 a.m. and will include a memorial recognizing classmates we’ve lost in the past five years. Margaret Rose will once again lead the memorial. 
  • At 1 p.m., we are offering a Zumba class, featuring songs from our class playlist.
  • In the afternoon at 3 p.m., there will be a cooking demonstration, led by two stellar class cooks, Norina Moskowitz Sfeir and Paula Penn-Nabrit. Recipes will be provided in advance.
  • The weekend will end with a 7 p.m. paint party where you can create your own Wellesley masterpiece based on a custom design of a Wellesley scene with art supplies and guidance supplied by Pinot’s Palette. It will also be a great opportunity to share our artistic outcomes, as well as thoughts about reunion and the next five years! Here's a rough draft of the picture we'll be painting: 


Record Book: You should have received a class email from Donna Stein, who has kindly agreed to compile the complimentary Record Book PDF this year. You can view information on the Record Book and download a form to submit your information here. The deadline for submission is Friday, May 14th. We hope you will participate! 

Insignia: We wanted to have a reasonably-priced and appropriate remembrance of this reunion to offer, so we chose a soft, white cloth bandana imprinted with the Wellesley logo in red. (See photo below.)


Communication: Remember, all reunion activities are electronic this year. Make sure your current email is in the College records. For security purposes, you will need your assigned Wellesley Community login to access some of the online features of the class web page. If you need help with your login, contact the Help Desk at 781-283-7777 or email

We hope this program appeals to you.  Whether you participate in one, several, or all of the activities, we look forward to seeing you at some point during reunion weekend!

See you at Reunion! 1-9-7-6 Wellesley Rah! 

Sally Burford 

Barbara Cray

45th Reunion Co-Chairs