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The 45th Reunion connected and reconnected 108 classmates from the Class of 1977. Thank you to the Reunion Planning Committee, led by Susan Stone, for innovative programs that made everyone feel welcome and engaged in the celebration! To reminisce, click here.


The following links take you to our Virtually Verdant presentations, Our Stories, Our Voices, the Record Book Library of Our Classmates' Video submissions, and the 2022 In Memoriam service. 


Virtually Verdant Presentations (not shareable)


Shareable Video Clips


Our Stories, Our Voices on the Record Book page


Record Book Library of Our Classmates' Individual Video Submissions



In Memoriam Helen Kriz Marshall and Reverend Irene Monroe hosted a memorial service to remember our classmates who are no longer with us, and Laura Becker-Lewke led us in a meditation using a labyrinth, a vehicle for reflection in many traditions.

The Washington, D.C. Mini Reunion was a tremendous success, and we are looking forward to our next mini reunions in Cleveland and London!

Check out photos from our first four Destination Mini Reunions in Washington, D.C., Chicago, Vancouver, and Santa Fe toward the bottom of this page under Photo Galleries. Also, at the bottom, select 'Update Your Profile' to ensure we have your current email and that your other info in the directory is up to date.

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Click on the title to find out how to reset your Wellesley password.

Sweat with Paulette Halloween Edition

If you need to work out after swapping (and devouring) all those holiday cookies, swilling eggnogs, and munching on canapes between Thanksgiving and now, then you've come to the right place for some exercise, fun, and laughter with Polly and Annie. 

Click on the image or the title to view the video.

Camino de Santiago with Tonya Drayden

Last month, Tonya Drayden took us on an adventure along the Camino de Santiago, her 500-mile pilgrimage through France and Portugal to the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia, Spain.  While showing images of scenery and people along “The Way,” Tonya presented a candid view of her motivation and learnings as she wandered, including themes surrounding family, life/work imbalance, personal relevance, and goals for the future.

Click on the image or the title to find out more and view the presentation.

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