My Classes

My Clubs

My Shared Identity Groups (SIGs)

President's Message

Glorious Green Greetings!  

Welcome to our class web site. These pages are designed to help us stay connected until we meet again at our 50th Reunion in 2027. Whatever issues we face, our class is a wonderful network of support, information, intelligence, humor, and friendship. We are here for you and each other!

Here is a summary of what is on this site. (Many features require you to log in. If you don't remember your password, click HERE)

NEWS: Read news of Class activities. Send us your news and photos -- we would be happy to post news of book launches, performances, activism you are leading, or anything else you might consider newsworthy. Currently featured are highlights of our Virtually Verdant online gatherings we began in late spring 2020.

OFFICERS: Meet your class officers and check out our then-and-now photos.

DIRECTORY: Find contact info for a classmate. This requires a Wellesley login and password. To get your login or reset your password, click HERE.

EVENTS AND MINI-REUNIONS: Since Covid-19, our gatherings have been mostly virtual and are featured as either Upcoming Events or News. They are also listed as Past Events but unlike the listings under News, if we have a recording of the Virtually Verdant session you, can find it here. Note that Past Events requires your login. Before COVID-19, we hosted two Destination Mini Reunions: Vancouver, BC in 2019 and Santa Fe, NM in 2018. Check out the bottom of the Home page to find photos from both of these.

GET INVOLVED: Volunteer to share a passion or expertise of yours as part of our Virtually Verdant series. Want to help raise funds for Wellesley--contact our Fund Reps who would love some help. Find a lost classmate--check out the lost classmates list and let Susan Peckitt and the rest of our Communications Team know if you have contact information for any of them at

SUPPORT: Find an update here about changes to class giving as well as direct links to make a gift to The Wellesley Fund, the Student Aid Society and the Wellesley Racial Justice Initiative.

REUNION: Stay informed about our 50th Reunion in early June, 2027!

FEEDBACK? Tell us what you think of this site--we started using it in April of 2020. Share your ideas for the site or better yet volunteer to work on it by sending a note to our web team. And let us know of any other ideas you might have connected to the Class of 1977. Contact Us.

Don't forget, Willajeanne McLean and the rest of the Communications Team are always eager for updates to share in Class Notes in Wellesley Magazine. Please send updates hereAnd, you can join conversations with your classmates on our private Facebook page at Community - Wellesley Class of 77Please LIKE us on Facebook HERE to keep track of class updates.

Susan Jacobsen Stone
Class President