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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Sunday, May 15th

As we look forward to our 45th Reunion on June 3rd - 5th and the joy of sharing each other's company, we took the opportunity to remember those classmates no longer with us, yet who remain a part of us in memory and spirit.  We joined virtually to honor and celebrate their lives. Helen Kriz Marshall, our In Memoriam  Chair and Reverend Irene Monroe welcomed everyone. Then Kim Gilbert, Sherry Zitter and Reverend Irene shared how different faiths and cultures remember their deceased. Laura Becker-Lewke lead us in a meditation using a labyrinth, a vehicle for reflection and meditation in many traditions.  The emotional center piece of the time together was a very moving video commemorating all 36 classmates we have lost created by Linda Coulombe Roybal and her daughter Mekenna Minor.   We also sang This Little Light of Mine to a gallery view of candlelight and we shared memories in breakout rooms. Some stayed on after the end of the formal program to continue those conversations.