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COVID-19: What We Have Lost and Found, a Year into the Pandemic with Irene Monroe, Mary Jess Wilson and Julie MacMillan


April 25, 2021

We were joined by classmates Irene Monroe, an ordained minister, public theologian, syndicated religion columnist, and community activist; Mary Jess Wilson, a retired medical director of California Children's Services and current medical and public health consultant; and Julie MacMillan, managing director of research, innovation and global solutions at the University of North Carolina (UNC) Gillings School of Global Public Health. Our guests reflected on what the past year has meant for each of us, for our communities, our nation, and the globe. Irene and Mary Jess provided a framing for our discussion by sharing their own frontline observations and reflections regarding the challenging past year. Irene focused on the spiritual aspects and social impacts, while Mary Jess considered medical and public health aspects of the pandemic, particularly in underserved communities. Julie moderated the session and offered her own insights, as well.

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