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VIRTUALLY VERDANT: Spirituality in this Time of COVID with Kathleen Pulley Killian

Have you sought spirituality and used spiritual practice during this “time of COVID”?  Has COVID hindered or helped your spiritual practice? Are there ways you wish you could integrate spirituality into your life more fully right now? How is that different from the changes in your relationship with your religion? Classmate Kathy Pulley Killian invited us to share our pre-COVID and/or current spiritual practice, and whether anything has changed in their practice since COVID arrived in our lives. While the focus of this workshop was “time of COVID,” what we discussed can be generalized to other stressful aspects or times of our lives.

Kathy is an ordained minister who majored in Religion at Wellesley. She worked as a Hospice Chaplain for many years. She describes herself as an ecu-maniac--everything to do with ....

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(Photo by Sitthan Kutty from Pexels)

Kathy also explained the distinction between spirituality and religion as follows: Religion is a specific set of organized beliefs and practices, usually shared by a community or group. Spirituality is a personal practice to achieve a sense of peace/transcendence through connection with a cosmic or divine energy.