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VIRTUALLY VERDANT: Mixology with Helen Kriz Marshall
  • Daiquiri & Zombie Recipes - Read

The sound of pounding surf and exotica music ushered us down Helen’s Chicago suburban basement stairs into her Trade Winds Lounge where we virtually took a seat, were offered leis and hair flowers, our wrists were dabbed with Wicked Wahine perfume, and we settled in to watch Helen show us how to make that most basic of tropical rum drinks, the Daiquiri, and then one of the most complicated, the nine-ingredient 1934 Don the Beachcomber Zombie. Helen explained how to prepare each drink, beginning with exactly how to squeeze a lime. 

Those of you who worked with Helen as Class President (2012-2017) will not be surprised to hear that the demo included historical background, a costume change, a lighted tiki headdress, and a six-foot piece of real sugar cane purchased just for the presentation to show us where, ultimately, rum comes from.

Do you have an expertise or passion to share with the class of '77?

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