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VIRTUALLY VERDANT: Racial Justice with Michele Tinsley Leonard

Classmates were honored to hear Michele share key moments of her own experiences with racial injustice as a child, at Wellesley, as a parent, and more.  Racism, both overt and covert, directed at BIPOC (Black, Indigenous and other People Of Color) over the past 400 years, informed the formation of Wellesley Racial Justice Initiative (WRJI). 

WRJI is an independent, volunteer-led movement of Wellesley alums. It provides resources to inform and promote anti-racism work and amplify the efforts of Wellesley alumnae of color to further their impact. The Initiative grew out of the leadership efforts of Michele, Jessica Strauss and Sherry Zitter at our 2017 reunion.  Michele has recently stepped up as its first Executive Coordinator.

For information about upcoming racial justice programs and recommended readings check out
