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VIRTUALLY VERDANT: Sweat with Paulette aka Polly Munts Talen

In early January, Polly Munts Talen (AKA Paulette) offered a workout session for those of us who have been a tad sedentary during the pandemic or whose New Year’s resolutions include moving more. Polly led us through an age appropriate routine designed to help folks become more active and increase strength and stability while aging. 

It was such a popular hour of fitness, balance, strengthening, and stretching exercises that Polly is now offering it  most Sundays we don't have another Virtually Verdant session scheduled. 

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(Photo of Polly hamming it up, trying to look like a fitness instructor)

While active much of her life (she won hoop rolling, after all), Polly actually resisted structured exercise programs for 50 years—partly because she confesses to being "rhythmically-challenged." At Wellesley, she joined the basketball team between the fall and spring crew seasons simply to avoid winter crew conditioning. 

All that changed a year ago, when Polly took a class specifically for seniors at her local community center. When it was canceled due to Covid-19, she started leading her sister, her partner Peg, and a Wellesley friend through the program over Zoom two to three times a week. She named it ”Sweat with Paulette."

Polly (aka Paulette) became such a fan of developing fitness through these routines, she went on to become a certified instructor of this evidenced-based strength, balance, fitness class. Be warned—her rhythm has not improved…but we will have fun!

The session is especially geared to those of us who have not been very active. If you are already in shape, please join us anyway for some '77 hilarity, and challenge yourself by doing everything double time or double the exertion.

All we needed for the session is room to move, a chair, two cans of soup (or beans, etc.) to use as weights, comfortable clothes and shoes and a water bottle.