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From the President

From the President

Welcome to the Wellesley Class of 1979 Website

Hello, ‘79ers!

It is a New Year! Happy February 2023!

We hope that you enjoyed the holidays, and you are healthy and safe. We are still coping with the uncompromising, relentless, devastating impact of the COVID virus and the numerous variants – acknowledging that many of us, family members, friends and colleagues have had the virus once or even twice, or lost someone cherished. During this unprecedented time, your class officers have focused our efforts to create community by hosting virtual gatherings via Zoom, Class Notes, our website, newsletters and Facebook. We are here for you! 


We encourage you to continue to check-in often and connect with each other using all forms of communication that you enjoy – phone calls, snail mail, emails, text messages...  I believe that the silver lining in this pandemic is the reordering of our priorities, beckoning us to contact and keep in touch with the family members, friends and colleagues we truly care about. This means reconnection with our classmates across the country and around the globe using every communication method at our disposal.

As your class officers, we are here for you, so please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you, seeing you virtually via Zoom, and we hope to meet with you in person soon.  In the meantime, take good care of you!




Tamara Nash, President