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Darby Dyar '80 Receives a 2020 Alumnae Achievement Award!

Darby Dyar '80 Receives a 2020 Alumnae Achievement Award!


Congratulations Darby Dyar ’80 for Your Alumnae Achievement Award!

Darby Dyar reflects on her career and Wellesley in her message about her 2020 Alumnae Achievement Award. Watch Darby's video.

We are so proud to have a 2020 Alumnae Achievement Award recipient from our class. Congratulations Darby Dyar!

The three award recipients — Darby, Joan Wallace-Benjamin '75 and Kimberly Dozier '87 — participated in a WellesleyLive conversation with President Paula A. Johnson on December 3.

Watch the December 3 replay

You can also hear from the award recipients in their individual video messages:

The awardees have been working with faculty to engage virtually with classes, serving as great role models for current students.