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About Reunion

About Reunion


Wellesley 1980 Class Reunion May 23-25, 2025!

We're looking forward to our next in-person reunion – our 45th – in 2025. Hope to see you there!

While all reunions are memorable, this occasion will be particularly noteworthy. Wellesley will be celebrating the College’s 150th anniversary and kicking off a year of celebrations beginning with reunion weekend. The College will be putting together unique reunion programming focused on the 150th anniversary. In turn, the plans for our class programs and events may look and feel different than in previous years.


1980 Reunion Chair
Irena Choi Stern
1980 Reunion Committee Chairs
Dorm: Kelly Largey
Programming: Maura Smith
Social Hour: Kathe Kneeland
Saturday Dinner: Cynthia Westerman
Sunday Picnic: Benita Perkins
Insignia and Parade: Irena Choi Stern
Treasurer: Mary Flannery
Record Book: Barbara Paxton

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