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1981 Mini and Zoom Reunions

1981 Mini and Zoom Reunions

Good news! We have a travel Zoom coming up!

DATE CHANGE for Galapagos Travels:

  • On Saturday, May 7, 3 - 4 PM, ET, Meg Berube Clemens and Donna Ballman share photos and adventures from their travels in the Galapagos. Meg spent two weeks this January in a sailboat cruise around the islands. Donna traveled to the Galapagos in June 2019. She stayed at Finch Bay and Royal Palm hotels, both on Santa An informational email on this zoom discussion will be emailed to the class about two weeks prior to the meeting. RSVP to get the Zoom link: Meg Berube Clemens



How to Host a Mini Reunion Zoom- Union

Mini Reunions are a great way to reconnect with our '81 classmates. You only need three classmates to have an "official" mini. Reach out to Elona Cooper DeGooyer ( or Nancy Lynn Francis ( to get started.


1-9-8-1 Wellesley Rah!