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Class of '88 Unrestricted Fund at the Wellesley Students' Aid Society

Class of '88 Unrestricted Fund at the Wellesley Students' Aid Society

In preparation for reunion, on behalf of the Class of 1988, we are creating a Class of '88 unrestricted fund at the Wellesley Students' Aid Society. The Students' Aid Society are the kind people who provided the bookstore vouchers, metal wastebaskets, glass ashtrays, and so on to many of us who arrived on campus as First Year Students. The Students' Aid Society is not an official part of the College, but gives tuition loans and grants each year to Wellesley College students, and also provides emergency loans, grants, and other forms of assistance to students on campus.

Funds donated to the WSAS don't count as donations to the College, but will go directly to students in need. Many of us would not have finished Wellesley without the support of the WSAS. Please join in supporting this fantastic organization.

You can find more information about the Wellesley Students' Aid Society at their website, or by contacting Pam Salerno, '88, a Director of the WSAS, and/or Catherine Schedlbauer '89, Office Administrator,

Donations are tax deductable, as the WSAS is a non-profit organization.

Thank you,
Pam Salerno '88