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In Memoriam

It is hard to lose the ones we love. During our 25th Reunion, we paused and Sue Whitehead led us in honoring the memory of the our classmates:
  • Margaret Buckley (July 30, 1927 to November 5, 1996)
  • Andra Cyronak (January 8, 1969 to February 26, 2014)
  • Dawn Garneau (September 16, 1968 to June 7, 1995)
  • Jean Kim (March 7, 1968 to November 23, 2012)
  • Helen Kreisler (September 12, 1968 to November 6, 2010)
  • Susan Kubik (April 4, 1968 to December 29, 2011)
  • Elizabeth “Lacey” Rico (February 13, 1968 to January 21, 2015)
  • Sylvia Thrasher (March 7, 1931 to August 13, 2009)
      Margaret and Sylvia were Davis Scholars.