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Want to get involved with our class?

1. One important way to get involved is to volunteer! Ask any of the Officers.   
2. Another way is to give.  

So, now to a message from your Wellesley Fund Giving Representative:
Annual Giving – We know that there are many competing demands and worthy causes. Do consider Wellesley!  
Remember: every donation (whether big or small) makes a difference. Donations are tax-deductible. The key is participation!

  • In 2010 43% of us participated – giving us our HIGHEST class participation ever as well as the HIGHEST class participation rate amongst classes from 1976-2009!!  
  • Together we shattered this record in 2015: as of Reunion, over 50% of us donated.
  • We still need your help - we have until June 30th before the fiscal year closes. Give what you can - all donations (no matter the size) count towards participation!  
  • To give - simply go to 

Wellesley’s strong tradition of Annual Giving enables our alma mater to address urgent needs and take advantage of unexpected opportunities. Donations to Annual Giving provide the unrestricted funds and financial aid that allow Wellesley to fulfill her core educational mission and maintain her need-blind admission policy. Annual Giving supports ongoing investments in the following areas:

  • Financial aid for current students
  • Preservation of our incomparable buildings and grounds
  • Competitive salaries for a world-class faculty
  • New educational technologies
  • Library acquisitions

Below you will find more information about the Durant Society as well as the Annual Giving Scholars Program.

Generously yours,
Chris Bicknell Marden


Durant Society is Wellesley 's donor-recognition program - membership levels include the President's Circle:

  • President's Partner--$50,000
  • Benefactor--$25,000
  • Sponsor-- $10,000
  • Dean's Circle--$5,000
  • Member--$2,500

Annual Giving Scholars Program is a unique opportunity for alumnae, parents and friends to be directly involved in the education of a Wellesley student. Individuals may support a student by making a gift of $10,000 or more that will provide a one-year scholarship to a deserving, talented student with financial need. The student will receive a scholarship in the donor's name.

Scholarships funded through the Annual Giving Scholars Program will be awarded during the current or the following academic year based on the date of the gift to Wellesley. Student recipients are notified of their scholarship award and are encouraged to write a personal note to their donor. Donors will be invited to meet the scholars at an annual reception on campus. A gift to the Scholars Program also qualifies the donor for membership in the President's Circle of the Durant Society.

For more on Annual Giving, you can ask me or see