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New Season, New Beginnings (October 2020 Newsletter)

New Season, New Beginnings (October 2020 Newsletter)

New Season, New Beginnings

Greetings Class of 1990!


I hope that this message finds you well and that you and your family are well and safe.  It is hard to believe that we are moving into Fall in this year, which has presented us all with challenges and change. 
The leadership team for the Class of 1990 has been meeting monthly since assuming our roles in July.  We wanted to share with you our thoughts on the four priorities for the next five years and ask you to help us drive this agenda:
·      Raise $25K for the next reunion and create a solid financial foundation for the class going forward.  This will be a big project with lots of opportunities for classmates to get involved in our goals including helping drive a signature fundraising event for the class of 1990 and increasing the number of Lifetime members in our class.
·      Keep our class connected.  We will be soliciting your feedback on how you would like to remain connected as well as your support for creating opportunities for connection.
·      Establish a knowledge repository to ensure that important information is easily handed down from our team to future leadership teams to benefit the class.
·      Create opportunities to recognize the talent and achievement of our class.
In the coming months, you will hear more about each of these priorities as we move our ideas to action.  However, we need your support.  Here are some ways in which you can get involved:
·      Volunteer.  In implementing these priorities there will be tasks, large and small.  Reach out to me to let me know which of these priorities you would be interested in contributing to.
·      Give to the class.  If you are already a Lifetime Member—thank you!  If you are not, please consider becoming one.  Lifetime membership is essential to accomplishing our fundraising objectives. 
·      Stay engaged.  Join us on Facebook, submit your news to class notes or just reach out to the leadership team to let us know how we are doing.
·      Encourage classmates to get involved.  We want to make sure that no one is left out of the loop!  If you know of a classmate who has not subscribed to our website or other communications channels, share this newsletter with her and encourage her to join.
As a leadership team, we are really excited about what we can accomplish and looking forward to working with you all.  Thanks for joining us on this journey.
All the best,
Teri Cotton Santos Class President
On behalf of the Class of 1990 Leadership Team
Julia Porter Plowman, Vice President
Shelli Merritt, Treasurer
Kim Jemison and Nicole Pollard Ross, Co-Secretaries
Kristen Lavansdatter, Fund Rep
Vanessa Pinto Johnson and Amy Putnam, Social Media Leaders