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Class Life Membership ($191)
By purchasing a class lifetime membership below, you will strengthen the class treasury.  Lifetime membership funds are invested in the College's endowment, and generate annual dividend income.  So, your life membership is a gift you give to the class that keeps on giving year after year. This means that your initial investment is worth much more than $191 over many years. Annual dividends subsidize our Reunion events, help keep Reunion affordable, and also enable a Spirit Fund for classmates who may find Reunion to be cost-prohibitive.   

Annual Dues ($40) - Annual dues go to cover print materials for our class, and other class programming and activities.  Select the "annual class dues" option below.
Note: 1) Neither class dues nor life memberships count as donations to the College. 2) The Class of 1991 is a non-profit entity, and all dues contributions are tax deductible.