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Support Your Class

Class Lifetime Membership

* In celebration of our 25th year reunion, we are dropping lifetime membership to $250 (from $500).  

* Help us reach 25% in honor of our 25th reunion.  As of Oct 2017, we are at 16% with 103 lifetime members!  To reach 25% we need another 55 more!  That's only one a week!!!  

Below are some Q&A that you might find interesting...

* Why should you?!  The reasons are endless but most importantly, you love your class/Wellesley.  With this donation, it is one and done!  No more class solicitation!!!  Also it is tax-deductible and eligible for company matching.  This donation is the highest impact way to support your class.

* What happens to the money?!  Your $250 goes into the Wellesley Endowment, which generates interest income annually at a rate of 3%+

* What does the class do with the money?!  A healthy Class Treasury helps support a great Reunion for ALL class members.

* How do I make my donation?!  You can send a check (made out to "Wellesley College Class of 1992") to Gail Fried Scannell (1551 Timberlake Manor Pkwy, Chesterfield, MO  63017-5584) OR