This online Wellesley community is home to all the ways you can stay connected to alums near and far. Choose the groups you want to be part of, search for Wellesley friends, or find networking connections through the Hive. There are many ways to keep Wellesley in your life and we are happy you are here!

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Want to get involved with our class?

  • Host a mini-reunion in your area.

Contact Amy Zabetakis to help plan a get-together with other 1994 alumnae.  A mini-reunion can be as simple as meeting for coffee at a local hangout or gathering at an alumna's house for a pot-luck dinner, or it can be more extravagant - a day at a local spa, or a Destination Wellesley event to somewhere exotic.  See our Events page for a list of planned mini-reunions (or lack thereof!), and let us know what other geographic areas to add.  The more, the merrier...

  • Become a class lifetime member.

Are you a lifetime member yet?  Your one-time dues payment of $194.00 provides the class with annual dividend income to help pay for Reunion, class mailings and communications, mini-reunions, and hopefully a class special gift to the College.  Please click here to give!

  • Be an assistant AG rep.

Gouri is looking for volunteers to help fundraise on behalf of the College.  Annual giving donations from alumnae are an important source of revenue for Wellesley -- they provide invaluable funds for financial aid and College operating costs.  We need classmates to call other 1994 alumnae and write thank-you notes. 

  • Web savvy?  Help 1994 maintain a good web presence.

If you would like to help or can keep a look-out on social networking sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, please contact MJ (  Let's help as many 94s keep in touch with us as possible.