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How about the perfect year end of year tax deductible donation - your class!
Write your check for the one-time, lifetime donation of only $95!

What is a Lifetime Membership Due?
As alumnae, it's up to us to support our Class. The LM Due is a 95-er's ONE time, tax deductible donation of $95 to the Class.

Where do the LM Dues go?
The College invests the money, and the Class lives off the distribution (think: dividends). The distributions are used to (1) support class activities, i.e., newsletters & fundraisers; and (2) subsidize Reunions.

Early participation and timing are KEY: the sooner we invest - the more we receive in distributions - the greater we can support our Class, especially by decreasing the costs for Reunions!

What happens to the money in the end? This is the really COOL part: we, as a class, get to designate the Account for use as a scholarship/internship fund or towards buildings, grounds, academic departments, athletics . . . whatever we choose to do to support the next century of Wellesley women.