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According to this map, if you're living in the Boston / New York / DC corridor you should be having mini reunions every day.

One of the best ways to keep us connected is through “Mini Reunions.” Many of you may have had “minis” without knowing it. Getting together with at least three classmates constitutes a mini reunion. Mini reunions can be held anywhere, anytime and they do not need to be complicated, formal or expensive. They can take place at restaurants, museums, concerts, parks or at home. A mini reunion can be in conjunction with a local Wellesley event, it can be a happy hour, a potluck, gathering around the TV to watch the Oscars or gathering to go for a walk or hike.

If you'd like to initiate a mini-reunion in your area, simply contact the VPs and ask. They'll take care of everything for you! All you have to do is pick a place, set the time, and let the VPs know who will email local classmates. Its that easy! and that fun.