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Reunion Registration - Come back to Wellesley for our 25th!

Reunion Registration - Come back to Wellesley for our 25th!

Hello 1999, 

Come home to Wellesley for a weekend to remember—reconnecting with classmates in the place where so many memories were made together.

Activities will include: 
Class gatherings • Faculty lectures • Campus tours • Wellesley College Alumnae Association Annual Meeting • Shared Identity Group open houses • Alumnae Parade • and more

Important information:
  • Registration is open until May 7, 2024.
  • There is no walk-in registration. To participate you must register in advance.
  • Housing on campus is limited. Sign up early for the best chance to secure a spot. Rooms are designated for each class. For the best chance of staying in your class dorm, please register for housing early. After April 1, 2024, we will start placing alums from the housing waitlist into available rooms. Alums who have been taken off the waitlist and placed into housing will be notified starting on April 8.
  • The classes of 1944-1964 will be housed off campus and hotel information was shared with those classes in December. Rooms in our reserved room blocks are still available at area hotels; you can book rooms off campus now. Shuttle buses will be available between campus and select hotels.
  • Your Wellesley login allows you to register. Login information can be found here.
  • Our Reunion FAQs include answers to many questions you may have.
  • Financial assistance is available. Please contact the Alumnae Association at prior to registering.
  • The Alumnae Association Annual Meeting will be livestreamed. If you choose not to attend in person, you can join from any location. Your class may also be hosting virtual events leading up to Reunion and will be in touch directly with information.
We hope you will join us to reminisce and see what’s new!

The Wellesley College Alumnae Association

Questions? Please visit our Reunion FAQs 
or email