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My Classes

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Volunteer Leadership

Volunteer Leadership

**Interested in helping with reunion - onsite or in your local area? Let us know!


Class Officers 2020-2024

Molly Hellerman & Ashlee Reed

Co-Vice Presidents 
Genevieve Groom, Katie Hillman Johanski, Katie Bellon & Erika Willacy

Rebecca Padnos Altamirano & Betsy Hanna

Emily Nacol & Laura Dart Smith

Wellesley Fund Rep & Durant
Cassie Sapiro & Marissa Harris

Heidi Curtiss & Liz Buchan


Class Officers 2024-2029

As we we approach Reunion, we wanted to reach out again for volunteer leaders for our 2024-2029 Class Board. While we have hands raised, we are happy to bring a larger pool of candidates to the class for consideration.

Class volunteers play a valuable role in keeping our class connected to the College and to each other. These leaders will send class communications; collect class notes for the magazine; help us stay connected with Wellesley and each other; and participate in the lead-up to our next Reunion! 

Our class is currently accepting nominations for five roles: 

  • President
  • Vice President 
  • Treasurer
  • Communications Chair - NEW!
  • Magazine Correspondent - NEW title (previously Class Secretary)! 

You may nominate yourself or a classmate for any position. Learn more about each role here.

If you are willing to serve as a class volunteer for the 2024-2029 cycle, please contact as soon as possible to let us know. We must submit our class slate to the Alumnae Association by May 1.