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Cupforms: Request for support from Sarah J. Hull

Cupforms: Request for support from Sarah J. Hull

From the '01 on the '01 November Newsletter and as seen on our 2001 Facebook Page:

"The short of the long, I’ve started glassblowing as a way to realize a textile installation piece I’ve had in my mind. To gain the skills for it, I’m blowing 100 'Cupforms' - to get a better understanding of the properties of glass. To help fund it, I’m selling off each of these at $30.00 ea (not including DC tax and not including shipping)… would you be interested in supporting this project?

I’m three into the project I expect to have 100 blown at some point in 2024. Before going to their purchasers, they will all professionally photographed and be part of a book - to see the progression from 001 - 100…and with acknowledgment to my supporters."

Email: sarah at

glass cup form