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Reunion Information

Reunion Information

Recap of Reunion 2021:  We had a wonderful time on Zoom... see you in person in 5 years!

There's one event left at 5pm today!!!  (Sunday)

Please see the "schedule" page for zoom links and registration information. 

Links for Olga's Taekwon-Do video and for the Zoom backgrounds are here (and on Facebook) and require your Wellesley Alum login.  Click here if you need to reset your password.

Below is some event-specific info:

Intro to Taekwon-do with Olga - do it any time!

A link to the video on YouTube is up under "Record Book" and requires your Wellesley Login. Or go to our Facebook page for the link.

Friday, June 4th: Happy Hour Across the Time Zones! 

Emily Wilson and Marianne Terrot ruled Zoom for 7+ straight hours as folks came and went.

Saturday, June 5th:

We Confabulated with Classmates. Thanks to all who led a session!

1pm: "Zoom Like a Voice Actor" with Claire Shinkman Fry

2pm: "Ask the Cat Vet" with Elizabeth Chapman Arguelles

3pm: Open-share -- bring your thoughts and ideas!

Cocktails & Mocktails -- Happy Hour with a visit from President Paula Johnson

Here's the recipe for Emily Wilson's Wellesley colors inspired cocktail:

  • mint leaves (GREEN for 2001!)
  • blueberries (BLUE for Wellesley)
  • simple syrup or honey
  • lemon juice
  • bourbon or vodka, or seltzer/tonic water (whatever works for you!)
  • ice, crushed


Han led an incredible event.  Congrats to Team "Schneider Fries" on their win!!!  (Team = Helena Hwang Newhouse, Jaime Vander Velde, Erin Schenck, Heather Ellen Miller, Melissa de la Rama, Brittney Joy Carlson)

 Contact Emily Wilson and/or Stacey Parikh with questions.